1770 and Fraser - August 2016

Category: 4wd Trips Published: Thursday, 19 January 2017 Written by Super User Print Email

4wdTrip 1770andFraser350x200

Our first longer 4WDriving trip as a family of four.  We had taken the girls on weekend and long weekend trips, but this was our first two week trip. 

Trip Itinenary

Tin Can Bay (1 night) - a short drive on the first day, allowing for a relaxed pack ensuring we had everything safely secured.  this also gave us an opportunity to take the girls to see and feed the Dolphins.

1770 (5 nights) - 5 nights relaxing at the 1770 campground camped right on the beach

Bargara (2 nights) - Catching up with my Aunt and Uncle on their way home from spending winter up north

Central - Fraser Island (4 nights) - Camping in the safety of a dingo fence and facilities while allowing easy access to all the attractions Fraser island has to offer

Kingfisher Resort - Fraser Island (3 nights) - A relaxing way to finish the holiday and linked to a whale watching cruise.

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