Tasmania - February 2010
The same group of friends who did the Whitsunday Island kayak trip planned to paddle in Bathurst Harbour in Southwast Tasmania. Weather and Boat (to sail to and from Bathurst Harbour) availability reduced our time at Bathurst Harbour allowng us to paddle at anumber of other locations north and south of Hobart.
Heading to Tasmania (Day 1)
After some last minute packing, weighing and repacking I head of to the Brisbane Airport for the flights to Sydney then on to Hobart. Meet the kayaking crew, most of the Whitsundays group, with a couple of extras. The adventure has begun.
Marion Bay / Southport (Day 2)
Change of plans due to Boat Captain's commitments and weather. After several phone calls on the family and friends network it was arranged for us to stay in a shack at Southport (A big thankyou to everyone involved). We organised the kayaks, borrowed a boat trailer (thanks again), loaded the gear (11 people, 5 kayaks, and all the camping equipment) and set off to Southport to experience the Tasmanian "shack" lifestyle.
Southport - SouthPort Lagoon (Day 3)
Morning Paddle out to Southport Lagoon (18km). Late in the afternoon we did a short paddle up into Hastings Bay (8km).
Southport - Relaxing / Exploring (Day 4)
A nice relaxing morning enjoying the Shack lifestyle. The afternoon was spent walking (9km) around Southport exploring the township and the coastline.
Southport - Pelcan Island (Day 5)
A relaxing morning paddle out to Pelican Island, before packing the gear and cleaning the Shack. Dinner at the local pub While waiting for the boat to arrive. The boat arrived at 8:30pm, all the gear was loaded and secured. We slept on board ready for an early departure to Port Davey / Bathurst Harbour.
Boat Trip to Port Davey (Day 6)
An early morning start for the boat trip around the Tasmanian south Coast to Port Davey. The 140km trip rounded South East Cape, through the Maatsuyker Island Group, around South West Cape, and up the west coast to Port Davey. We entered Port Davey, going through the Bathurst Channel into Bathurst Harbour. We unloaded the kayaks and camping gear at Clayton's where we will base ourselves for the next few days.
Day 7 Paddled down to Melaleuca where there is a small airport built by Danny King as part of his tin mining operation. We passed some day trippers who had been flown in by the Roaring Forties group. The half day Roaring Forties trip flew out while we were there. We escorted two of our crew to the South Coast Track as they were walking out due to work commitments.
Day 8 Paddled from Claytons to a beach near the base of Mt Rugby. Climbed Mt Rugby (3.8km return walk climbing 770 metres) following the marked but infrequently used track. Spectacular views from the Mt Rugby across Bathurst Harbour, Port Davey, down to the Tasmanian south coast and the Maatsuyker Island Group. The paddle back to Claytons was a tiring one into the wind.
Day 9 We set off in calm conditions from Claytons for the paddle to Bramble Cove. As we entered Bathurst Channel we discovered that the wind had changed directions from yesterday and we were paddling into a 25+kph westerly, creating rough paddling conditions. The Brambles Cove campground is sheltered, well set up with tables and running fresh water (piped from a nearby waterfall).
Day 10 Due to changing weather conditions we knew we had to head back to Southport the following day, so we towed the kayaks up to the a bay near the Davey river in an attempt to see Davey Gorge. Towing proved to be slow and difficult, so we saw the lower Davey River before heading back to the Boat. We loaded the kayaks and camping gear onto the boat and again slept on the boat for an early (4:00am) start the next day.
Day 11 We left Port Davey at 4:00am for the trip back to Southport, arriving at 1:00pm. A few phone calls convinved us of more bad weather coming so we went back to the house in Marion Bay.
Day 12 Weather conditions were not the best so we decided to have a rest day. During the afternoon several of us went for a walk down to Long Spit Nature Reserve on Marion Bay.
Day 13 With continuing unsettled weather we decided to head off to Fortescue Bay for a couple of days camping. Along the way we went did a short walk along the Waterfall Bay cliffs and stopped at the Blow Hole, The Kitchen and other tourist spots.
Day 14 Paddled from Stewart Bay to Port Arthur past the Isle of the Dead and back to Stewarts Bay.
Day 15 With good weather we launched off Fortescue Beach and paddled out to The Candlesick and other rock formations which are part of Cape Hauy. On the way back, seals came to investiagte our kayaks. We continued across the bay to Canoe Bay before returning to Fortescue Beach.
Day 16 Packing everthing for the flights home, returning the hired kayaks to Constitution Dock, lunch in Salsmanca Place, then off to the airport for the trip home. The end of an exciting holiday exploring various parts of Tasmania and the Tasmanian way of life.
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