Gordon River - Tasmania 2003
Axel and I did a 3 week 4WD Trip to Tasmania, around Christmas 2003, to explore as much of the island as we could. As part of this trip we had brought out Kayaks along with the plan to explore the rivers, lakes and bays.
One of the paddles we did was an over night paddle up the Gordon River. We loaded our kayaks and gear onto a Macquarie Harbour cruise which included going part way up the Gordon River. At the Gordon river landing we unloaded out gear and the boat captain gave us clear instructions that we had to be back at the landing at 11:00am the following day to be picked up, otherwise on return to Strahan, he would report us as missing persons.
Axel and I took 8 hours to paddle up the Gordon River and then slept in a hut at the site of the base camp used for the early construction of the dam in 1983, before the Federal Govt blocked the project.
As the paddle took us so long, we rose at 3:00am and set of down the river to meet the harbour cruise at 11:00am. We hadnt factored in the reason for the dam was the amount of water flowing in the river. We arrived at the pickup point around 8:00am.